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Companies Judje their Information Provided to Statistics Portugal as of quality
Data Providers for statistical purposes-Businesses
Companies Judje their Information Provided to Statistics Portugal as of quality
14 October 2013

According to 92.6% of almost 6,000 companies that responded to an ad hoc and voluntary survey, the information that they provide to Statistics Portugal should be considered as information of quality or even of high quality.
The average time to perform the response tasks to the surveys is less than 4 hours per month, and it usually involves two respondents per company.
Companies also indicated that the number of their information obligations is increasing.
Simultaneous information obligations to various entities and the internal availability of data in time are the two main reasons for the difficulty in timely report the information to Statistics Portugal.
Companies consider that the statistical information disseminated by Statistics Portugal has significant utility to the society, but they are more reluctant to admit their own interest on it.

Press release
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