Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Globalization and the portuguese enterprises
International Sourcing and Global Value Chains
Globalization and the portuguese enterprises - 2009-2011, 2012-2015
25 November 2013

In the period 2009-2011, 15.3% of Portuguese enterprises with 100 or more persons employed carried out International Sourcing, mainly with business partners located in EU15 and PALOP countries. About 12% have plans to carry out International Sourcing in the period 2012-2015, mainly to EU15 and PALOP countries.
In 2011, 9.1% of the enterprises with 100 or more persons employed controlled affiliates outside of Portugal, mainly in PALOP, EU15 countries and Brazil. About 24% of the enterprises subcontracted business functions with foreign subcontractors, mainly located in EU15 countries.

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