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Tourism accommodation indicators accelerated significantly
Tourism activity
Tourism accommodation indicators accelerated significantly - April 2014
18 June 2014

In April 2014, tourism accommodation establishments recorded 3.9 million overnight stays, corresponding to an increase of 25.4% , in contrast with the results of March (-0.8%).
Overnights stays from residents increased by 36.9%, while the growth from non residents ascended to 21.3%. With regard to the performance of the main inbound markets, the emphasis went to the positive contributions of Spain, Brazil and Ireland.
Revenue also increased considerably (+20.2% in total revenue and +20.4% in revenue from accommodation), while in March these indicators grew less (+2.9% and +3.1%, respectively).
These results were influenced by several factors namely the Easter period which, in the current year, was celebrated in April (in 2013, it took place in March). Additionally, the proximity between Easter and the 25th of April national holiday enhanced the opportunity for a holiday period for residents. The opening of new air transport destinations as well as several social and business events and specific tourism programs should also be referred. Furthermore, the overall increase in demand was coped with a larger hotel supply, namely through the anticipated seasonal opening of many establishments and increased booking particularly in new establishments.

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