Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Movement of goods increases in ports, grows moderately in road mode and recovers in railway.
Movement of passengers continues rising in airports, increases again in railway but still reducing in inland waterways
Transport activities
Movement of goods increases in ports, grows moderately in road mode and recovers in railway. Movement of passengers continues rising in airports, increases again in railway but still reducing in inland waterways - 1st Quarter 2014
14 July 2014

In the 1st quarter 2014, the movement of goods in ports increased by 5.2%1 (+20.2% in the 4th quarter 2013).
Railway freight transport recorded a 20.3% growth (+8.0% in the 4th quarter 2013).
National airports recorded increases of 3.3%, 6.5% and 3.4% in the movement of aircrafts, passengers as well as in cargo/mail (+3.7%, +7.7% and -1.8% in the 4th quarter 2013, respectively).
In road freight transport there was a +16.6% change rate, an outcome that mirrors a more moderate growth in comparison with the one of the previous quarter (+20.0%).
With regard to the transport of passengers, worth noticing the positive evolution in heavy railway (+3.5%) and the slight increase in light railway systems (+0.7%), while it kept declining in inland waterways (-2.8%).

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