Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Guests, overnight stays and revenue continue to be buoyant
Tourism activity
Guests, overnight stays and revenue continue to be buoyant - July 2014
15 September 2014

Tourism accommodation activity recorded 5.8 million overnight stays in July 2014, which corresponded to a year-on-year increase of 9.4% (+8.6% in June 2014). Overnight stays from residents grew considerably (+15.4%, compared with +6.7% in June), while the increase of overnight stays spent by non residents slowed down (+6.9% in July 2014 and +9.3% in June). With regard to the main inbound markets, the growing overnight stays from guests coming from the United Kingdom, Spain and France stood out. On the contrary, the reduction of the German market was noticeable. However, in the accumulated period between January and July 2014, with the exception of the Netherlands, the main inbound markets showed increases, including Germany, with the emphasis on Spain with a 19.4% growth.
Total revenue increased by 10.7% and revenue from accommodation 12.0% (+8.1% and +8.2%, respectively, in June).

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