Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

66% Enterprises with 10 or more persons employed use a mobile broadband connection to the Internet
Information and knowledge society Business survey
66% Enterprises with 10 or more persons employed use a mobile broadband connection to the Internet - 2014
06 November 2014

The access to the internet via broadband by the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed increased significantly since the beginning of the decade, reaching a level of 95% in the current year. A strong rise concerning the connection to the internet via mobile broadband is clear (41 percentage points vis-à-vis 2010), even the connection through fixed broadband still prevails, currently ensuring the average EU-28 level (90%).
In 2014, 39% enterprises use applications based on internet technology or communication platforms established and maintained by them as a strategy to connect, converse and create content online, with customers, suppliers, or other partners, mainly through social networks.
In 2013, the percentage of Portuguese businesses with 10 or more persons employed that received orders placed for goods or services placed via a website or “apps” reached the average EU-28 level (14%), with a turnover resulting from e-commerce that accounted for 13% of their total turnover.
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