Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Non residents were crucial for tourism growth in 2013
Tourism activity
Non residents were crucial for tourism growth in 2013 - 2013
24 July 2014

In 2013, according to provisional data from the World Tourism Organization, international tourist arrivals in the five continents attained 1086.8 million, increasing 5.0% over 2012.
In Portugal the number of guests and overnight stays in hotel accommodation stood at 13.3 million and 39.2 million respectively, 5.3% and 5.8% more than in the previous year.  It is worth mentioning that the growth of overnight stays was exclusively due to non-residents (+8.5%) since the nights spent by residents decreased by 0.5%.
When considering the tourist accommodation activity as a whole, including Hotel accommodation, Tourism in Rural Areas, Lodging Tourism and Local Accommodation, guests totalled 15.3 million in 2013 (+4.6%) and 43.5 million overnight stays were registered (+5.3%). It should be noted that Hotel accommodation covered 90.0% of the total overnight stays.

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