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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Transport of passengers grew in airports and in railway systems, but movement of goods has reduced in ports and road freight transport
Transport activities
Transport of passengers grew in airports and in railway systems, but movement of goods has reduced in ports and road freight transport - 3rd Quarter 2014
14 January 2015


In national ports, in spite of the 4.7% growth in size (GT) of the commercial vessels, there was a 1.5% reduction in the movement of goods, following a slight reduction of 0.7% in the previous quarter and in contrast with the increases in 2013 and in the first quarter of 2014.
There was an 8.7% increase in the goods transported in railway mode, a growth in line with the one recorded in the previous quarter (+8.6%), which stood for 655.4 million tons-kilometer (+6.9%).
Similarly to the outcome of the previous quarters of the year, there were increases in the movement of aircrafts (+6.4%), passengers (+8.9%) and cargo/mail (+3.0%) in national airports (+7.4%, +11.4% and +6.8% in the preceding quarter).
The national heavy road vehicles carried less goods (-1.7%), keeping the downward trend of the previous quarter, but less so.
The transport of passengers increased in railway mode (+3.7%) and in light railway systems (+6.3%).

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