Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Unemployment rate estimated at 13.5%
Monthly Employment and Unemployment Estimates
Unemployment rate estimated at 13.5% - March 2015
29 April 2015

The provisional unemployment rate estimated for March 2015 was 13.5%, down 0.1 percentage points from the definitive estimate for February 2015.
The provisional unemployed population estimated for March 2015 was 692.6 thousand people, down 1.0% from the definitive estimate for February 2015 (less 6.8 thousand people). The estimate of provisional employed population was 4,440.1 thousand people, 0.1% more than in the previous month (more 6.3 thousand people).
The unemployment rate developments for the most recent months were characterized by some instability (alternating between monthly increases and decreases of small relative size), which may result from a yet undefined trend in the labour market.
In these estimates, it was considered the population aged 15 to 74 and the values were seasonally adjusted.

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