Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In nominal terms exports increased by 8.2% and imports increased by 7.4%
International trade statistics
In nominal terms exports increased by 8.2% and imports increased by 7.4% - April 2015
09 June 2015

In the quarter ended in April 2015, exports of goods increased by 8.2% and imports of goods increased by 7.4%, when compared with the quarter ended in April 2014 (+3.8% and -1.4% respectively in the 1st quarter 2015). Trade balance deficit increased by EUR 67.2 million to EUR - 2 343.3 million and the coverage rate grew by 0.6 percentage points to 84.3%.
In April 2015, in terms of year-on-year change rates, exports of goods increased by 9.7% and imports of goods grew by 16.0% (+11.1% and +10.6% respectively in March 2015).
In the 1st quarter 2015, Angola was the country of destination of the Portuguese exports for which the exports registered the largest decrease (-23.6%).

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