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Tourism activity with positive results
Tourism statistics
Tourism activity with positive results - 2014
28 July 2015


According to the provisional data from the World Tourism Organization, the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide, in 2014, accounted for 1 134.7 million tourists (+4.4% in view of 2013).
Statistical data from the survey on guest stays in hotel accommodation and other establishments showed that overall results from hotel accommodation were positive. The number of guests stood at 15.0 million (+12.6% from 2013) and overnight stays were 43.5 million (+11.0%). The internal market was responsible for 6.1 million guests and 12.7 million overnight stays (respectively +13.1% and +14.1% from 2013), while the inbound markets originated 8.9 million guests (+12.2%) and 30.88 million overnight stays (+9.8%).
In hotel accommodation activity, total revenue reached EUR 2.1 thousand million (+12.9%) and revenue from accommodation totalled EUR 1.5 thousand million (+13.7%).
In 2014, all available tourist accommodations hosted 17.3 million guests (+13.9%) and 48.8 million overnight stays (+12.1%). Hotel accommodation activity recorded 86.5% of total guests and 89.3% of total overnight stays.

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