Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Manufacturing of motor vehicles and clothing industry: the most dynamic
Industrial production statistics
Manufacturing of motor vehicles and clothing industry: the most dynamic - 2014
16 November 2015


The sales of products and industrial services reached € 76.1 billion in 2014, increasing slightly by 0.4% in comparison with the previous year (+0.3% in 2013). The activities that most positively contributed for this growth were the manufacturing of motor vehicles (+7.6%), the clothing industry (+11.3%) and the manufacturing of metallic products, except machines and equipments (+5.3%).
Noteworthy is the strong negative contribution to this result from the petroliferous products, reflecting overall the significant decrease of the prices of these products. Effectively, excluding that division, the value of the production of the remaining activities increased by 2.9% in 2014 (- 0.7% in 2013).
The five main divisions of activity (in a total of 26) accounted for 44.4% of the total sold production.

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