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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Value of rendered services to enterprises grew by 3.2% attaining eur 12.7 billion
Business activities statistics
Value of rendered services to enterprises grew by 3.2% attaining eur 12.7 billion - 2014
30 November 2015


In 2014, the value of rendered services from activities connected to Services Rendered to Enterprises (SRE) grew by 3.2% (change rate of -1.8% in 2013) having totaled EUR 12 725 million. The gross value added and the gross operating surplus from this set of activities recorded significant increases of 7.4% and 10.8% respectively (0.0% and -1.5% in 2013), clearly above the results obtained for the set of non financial enterprises for which the intreases attained in 2014 were 3.7% and 6.9% respectively (-4.0% and 3.2% in 2013, in the same order).
The sectors of accountability, auditing, consulting and computing contributed with EUR 7.0 billion, i.e. about 55% of the total rendered services from SRE.
The employment related activities sector, whose main activity relates to services from temporary employment enterprises, became noteworthy with an increase of 16.4% in rendered services compared to 2013. Benefiting from the dynamics of recovery, it stood for more than half the raise attained in persons employed in activities related to SRE.
Yet again, the Publicity sector presented the best ratio among rendered services per person employed, having attained EUR 113.2 thousand per person employed. Despite a widespread offer in terms of rendered services related to these activities, with the emphasis on Architecture and Engineering, there are some sectors with a high level of concentration, more so the Computer facilities management services, where the five biggest enterprises accounted for 95% of services rendered.

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