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Statistics Portugal releases Cultural Statistics
Culture Statistics
Statistics Portugal releases Cultural Statistics - 2014
10 December 2015


In 2014, the employed population in the cultural and creative sector was younger and had attained a higher level of education than in the economy as a whole.
The trade balance in cultural goods registered a deficit of 74.6 million euros.
The museums recorded more 700 thousand visitors than in the previous year.
Half of the total circulation of newspapers was of free copies.
In cinema there were more movie sessions, although less spectators and less box-office revenues.
Live shows also accounted for more performances, more tickets sold, more spectators and more box-office revenues.
In 2014, the Municipalities allocated less 25 million euros to cultural and creative activities.
In 2013, the turnover of the cultural and creative enterprises was of 4.4 billion euros.
Culture sector accounted for 1.7% of national GVA, in 2010-2012 period.

Press release
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