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Rainy spring causes major delays in sowings and affects cherry yield
Agricultural forecasts
Rainy spring causes major delays in sowings and affects cherry yield - May 2016
21 June 2016


Early estimates on May 31 point to a very significant yield decrease in cherry (-50% vis-a-vis 2015), which makes this campaign one of the worst of the past three decades. The winter weather conditions (lack of low temperatures), combined with persistent rainfall at flowering and fruit set phases, have contributed mostly to this scenario. Also a reduction of 20% in peach productivity is estimated. On the contrary, for winter cereals increases in productivity are expected (5% in rye, 15% in wheat, 20% for durum wheat and barley and 30% in triticale and oats).
Sowings and plantings of summer crops have been largely conditioned by atmospheric instability, and there are still considerable areas of grain maize, rice and processed tomato to be installed.  A reduction is expected in the area of grain maize (-10 thousand hectares), a crop that continues with less attractive prices in international markets. In rice, the decrease is less significant (-5% vis-a-vis 2015), while processed tomato and irrigated potato are expected to maintain the area from the previous campaign.

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