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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist trips by residents increase, especially those of short duration and in the national territory
Tourism Demand of Residents
Tourist trips by residents increase, especially those of short duration and in the national territory - 3rd Quarter 2016
30 January 2017


In the 3rd quarter of 2016, residents made 7.63 million tourist trips, corresponding to a 9.6% raise compared to the Q3 2015 (-1.2% in Q2 2016). Short duration trips increased 11.8% (+1.9% in Q2 2016) and corresponded to 52.5% of the total. Trips abroad grew by 7.1% (+1.3% in Q2 2016) representing 9.4% of the total, but the domestic trips had the highest increase in this period: +9.9% (-1.4% in Q2 2016).
"Leisure, recreation or holidays" was the main motivation to travel, corresponding to 4.6 million trips (59.9% of the total, +1.3 p.p. after +1.2 p.p. in Q2). In order to "visit relatives or friends", 2.5 million trips occurred (32.2% of the total, -1.7 p.p., -2.3 p.p. in Q2), with "professional or business related" trips (359.0 thousand) having the same weight (4.7%).
The "free private accommodation" raised its expression, concentrating 61.6% of overnight stays (+2.1 p.p., following +5.0 p.p. in Q2). "Hotels and similar accommodation" accounted for 21.3% of overnight stays in this quarter (-1.1 p.p. in its representativeness; -6.1 p.p. in Q2).

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