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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Wine production affected by rainfall and diseases
Agricultural forecasts
Wine production affected by rainfall and diseases - July 2016
18 August 2016


Early estimates on July 31 point to a 20% decrease on yield of the vineyards for wine for the large majority of wine regions, a result of physiological accidents caused by rainfall in the flowering stage and intense mildew attacks.
In winter cereals, it is foreseen a widespread increase in production vis-à-vis the previous year, due to increases on their yields.
Irrigated potato plants have a good development and similar yields to the previous year are expected.
The spring rains and the resulting delay in the plantations hampered the development of processed tomato. The first plantations have relatively low yields, which are likely to be partially offset by the later ones. In that sense, it is expected a decrease on the yields compared to the previous year (-10%).
The orchards of apple and pear trees were affected by severe weather conditions, which were reflected more deeply on the yields of pear trees and therefore it is envisaged another less productive campaign. The stone fruit production cycle also did not go well with decreases on yields: peach (-25%) and almonds (-20%), compared to 2015.

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