Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Environmentally related taxes represented 7.0% of total revenue from taxes and social contributions
Environmentally related taxes and fees
Environmentally related taxes represented 7.0% of total revenue from taxes and social contributions - 2015
28 September 2016


In 2015, the value of environmentally related taxes amounted to 4.35 billion euro, representing 7.0% of total revenue from taxes and social contributions (6.6% in 2014). That value corresponds to an increase of 10.7% compared to 2014, higher than the increase observed for total revenue from taxes and social contributions (+4.4%).
According to information available for 2014, in Portugal, the share of environmentally related taxes in total revenue from taxes and social contributions was slightly higher (6.6%) than EU28 average (6.4%).

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