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Rainy spring and very hot summer affect agricultural campaign
Agricultural forecasts
Rainy spring and very hot summer affect agricultural campaign - October 2016
17 November 2016


Early estimates on October 31 point to decreases in production for most orchards, vineyards and olive groves. The absence of cold in the winter and the poor conditions of pollination and setting of the fruits affected the productions of apple (-30%), pear (-20%) and kiwi (-25%). The production of almond, mainly of the earlier varieties, has also been damaged. In the vineyards, the occurrence of physiological accidents, such as coulure and millerandage (triggered by intense rainfall in the flowering phase) contributed to a 20% reduction in wine production. The yield of olive groves is expected to drop 15%, although the autumn rains have promoted the increase of the caliber of olives.
As for temporary spring / summer crops, intense rainfall in May and high July and August temperatures influenced the yield for processed tomato, with repercussions on production, which decline 15%. Difficulties in planting and problems in flowering and maturation caused by high summer temperatures also led to decreases in grain maize and rice production.

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