Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Sport accounted for 1.2% of GVA and 1.4% of employment on average in the period
Sports Satellite Account
Sport accounted for 1.2% of GVA and 1.4% of employment on average in the period - 2010 - 2012
05 April 2016


In the 2010-2012 period, economic activities related to sport were developed by around 25,000 entities and represented, on average, 1.2% of GVA and 1.4% of employment (Full Time Equivalent - FTE) in the Portuguese economy. Average compensation of employees in sports exceeded by about 5% the average national salary, due to the high average compensation observed in the public limited sports companies.
The Sport Satellite Account (SSA) includes, in addition to sports activities (0.3% of GVA and Employment), the activities necessary to make sport (0.6% of GVA and 0.9% of employment) and activities where sport contributes significantly to the production processes (0.3% of GVA and 0.2% of employment).

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