Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

30 Years of European Integration
Portugal - 30 Years of European Integration
30 Years of European Integration
18 July 2016


How did the Portuguese society evolved between 1986 and the present, when 30 years of joining the EC/EU went by?
Overall, these three decades coincided with considerable improvements in relevant areas for the citizens’ welfare, such as health, education, and housing conditions. There was an increase in skilled labor, as assessed by a rise in the Portuguese educational levels.
Regarding the economic dynamics, in general two periods may be considered. The first, from 1986 to 2000, when the economy grew at a faster pace than the EU15 average. The second, from 2001 to the present date (2014), was marked by an almost stagnant economy, while the EU15 and the EU28 on average experienced economic growth (average annual growth rates slightly above 1.0%).

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