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Food availability per adult is almost twofold the recommended consumption
Food Balance Sheet
Food availability per adult is almost twofold the recommended consumption - 2012 - 2016
07 April 2017


Food availability for consumption in the period 2012-2016 continues to show an excessive and unbalanced food supply that has been progressively moving away from the Mediterranean food standard, in spite of the fact that some improvements have been observed in the last decade. With an average caloric intake of 3,834 Kcal, almost enough to meet the recommended consumption needs of two adults, food supply reveals imbalances when compared to the food pattern recommended by the Wheel of Food: excess supply of food products from the "Meat, fish and eggs" and "Oils and Fats" groups and deficit of "Vegetables", "Fruits" and "Dried legumes".
This five year period was marked by the last recessive cycle, particularly in 2012, which led to an outcome of less availability of the food groups when compared with the figures of the period 2008-2011. The exceptions that stood out were dried salted fish, whose apparent consumption has even grown.
When considering the daily consumption reference values of vitamins and minerals for an adult, it becomes apparent that the daily availability of these microconstituents per capita remains above those thresholds.


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