Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Hotel activity slows down
Tourism activity
Hotel activity slows down - March 2017
16 May 2017


Hotel establishments recorded 1.4 million guests and 3.7 million overnight stays in March 2017, figures that relate to year-on-year change rates  of 0.9% and -0.2% (8.6% and 8.2% in February 2017, respectively). The overnight stays from the internal market decreased by 9.9% (+5.7% in February), interrupting the upward trend, while the ones from the external markets slowed down to 3.7% (9.3% in February).
The average stay (2.67 nights) declined by 1.1% and the net bed occupancy rate (39.8%) went down 1.6 p.p.
Total revenue continued to slow down, recording a 9.9% growth (14.5% in the preceding month), having reached
EUR 188.9 million. Revenue from accommodation accounted for EUR 130.1 million and increased by 8.6% (16.0% in February).
These results were influenced by the calendar effect associated to the Easter period, which in 2016 occurred in March and in 2017 it was celebrated in April.

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