Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Despite the reduction in the proportion of resident tourists, the total number of tourism trips increased
Tourism Demand of Residents
Despite the reduction in the proportion of resident tourists, the total number of tourism trips increased - 1st Quarter 2017
25 July 2017


In the 1st quarter 2017, residents in Portugal made 4.0 million tourist trips, which stood for a 6.1% increase vis-à-vis the 1st Q 2016  (+6.2% in the 4th Q 2016), of which 10.3% had foreign destinations (9.4% in the 1st Q 2016).
While short term trips increased by 8.2%, the long duration ones decreased by 4.4%.
“Visit to relatives or friends” was the main reason behind 2.1 million trips (51.8% of the total, +0.2 p.p.), followed by “Leisure, recreation or holidays” with 1.4 million trips (33.9%, +1.0 p.p.). Furthermore, 395.7 thousand trips were made for “professional or business” reasons (9.9% of the total, -0.9 p.p.).
The emphasis went to the increase in the weight of air travel, reaching 10.8% in 1st Q 2017 (9.1% in the 1st Q 2016)."Free private accommodation" was the choice for ¾ of the overnight stays (+3.5 p.p.). "Hotels and similar accommodation” lost some relevance (-3.7 p.p.) and aggregated 19.1% of the total overnight stays.

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