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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism trips of residents increased in the 4th quarter and in the year 2017
Tourism Demand of Residents
Tourism trips of residents increased in the 4th quarter and in the year 2017 - 4th Quarter 2017
02 May 2018


In the 4th quarter 2017, tourism trips taken by residents in Portugal amounted to 4.75 million, corresponding to an increase of 7.4% vis-à-vis the same quarter of 2016 (+1.1% in the 3rd Q). Trips with a foreign destination represented 9.9% of the total and grew above the domestic ones (+17.1% compared with +6.5%; +8.5% and +0.4%, in the same order, in the 3rd Q).
Trips to "visit relatives or friends" (2.6 million, 54.6% of the total) lost some representativeness (-4.8 p.p.), reinforcing the weight of trips for reasons of “leisure, recreation or holidays” (+5.0 p.p.) with a total of 1.6 million trips (33.2% of the total). The "professional or business" trips (405.1 thousand) weighed 8.5% in the total (+0.3 p.p.).
Overnight stays spent in “hotel and similar establishments” with a 15.5% share, grew by 1.1 p.p. in this indicator.
When considering the whole year 2017, tourism trips increased by 5.0% (+5.4% in 2016), amounting to 21.2 million. "Leisure, recreation or holidays” was the main reason to travel, corresponding to 9.6 million trips (45.2% of the total, +1.4 p.p.), followed by “visit relatives or friends” with 9.3 million (44.0%, -0.1 p.p.).

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