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Air transport maintains acceleration. Movement of goods with reduction in rail and deceleration in ports and road transport
Transport activities
Air transport maintains acceleration. Movement of goods with reduction in rail and deceleration in ports and road transport - 2nd Quarter 2017
21 September 2017


In the 2nd quarter 2017, the movement of passengers in national airports grew by 20.6%, above the 18.6% growth recorded in the preceding quarter. Heavy rail and light railway also registered increases in passengers carried: 6.6% and 3.7%, respectively (+6.2% and +12.4% in the 1st Q 2017).
The movement of goods in national ports recorded an increase of 2.0%, after the growth of 11.1% in the preceding quarter.
The road freight transport registered a less marked growth in the 2nd quarter 2017 (+4.3%) comparatively with the previous quarter (+11.6%) in terms of tonnes transported. This growth continued to be supported by the increase of national transport (+6.3%), while international transport decreased (-4.7%).
The transport of goods by railway decreased (-5.7% in tonnes and -3.1% in tonnes-kilometer) after a slight increase of 0.6% in tonnes of goods transported in the 1st Q 2017.

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