Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Decreases in fruits, wine, olive oil, milk and eggs and increases of beef and poultry meat
Agricultural statistics
Decreases in fruits, wine, olive oil, milk and eggs and increases of beef and poultry meat - 2016
20 July 2017


In the crop year 2015/2016, crop production was affected by climatic conditions, with impacts on prices of production products (price index of crop output, including fruits and vegetables, increased by 11.6%) and on imports, namely from the group "fruits, citrus fruits and melons", whose value increased by 21.9%. The animal production activity recorded increases on beef (+2.3%) and poultry meat (+4.9%) and decreases on milk (-4.4%) and eggs (-2.9%) production. In the forestry sector, the size of the burning area is more than doubled compared to 2015 (160.7 thousand hectares), the highest since the large fires of 2005.


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