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Irrigated crops with good yield levels
Agricultural forecasts
Irrigated crops with good yield levels - October 2017
20 November 2017


Early estimates on October 31 point to increases in production in fruit trees, almonds, vines and olive groves. In the pome fruit orchards, hot and dry weather did not compromise the campaign: apple production is expected to reach 300 thousand tons, while pear production will be around 165 thousand tons (+25% and +20%, compared to 2016, respectively). In kiwi, the flowering and setting of fruits went favourable, and the entry into full production of new orchards was decisive for the record production of 31 thousand tons. Almond production is also expected to reach levels that were no longer attained for many years (+282%, compared to the average of the last five years). In vines, the harvest was uneventful, with an increase in wine production (+10%, vis-à-vis 2016) which, judging by the vinified grapes, should be of superior quality. As for olive groves, and in spite of the drought, production should be close to normal, with intensive olive groves compensating for the lower productivity of the traditional ones. In contrast, the chestnut trees were clearly affected by the lack of precipitation, with a reduction of 15% compared to the previous season, with smaller chestnuts.
As for spring/summer crops, the highlight goes to processed tomato, which increased production to 1.68 million tons, despite the occurrence of phytosanitary problems that hampered the ripening process. In rice, the lack of available water in the Sado basin led to a reduction in the area sown, with implications in production (10% below the 2012-2016 average).

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