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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Exports and imports increased by 18.1% and by 13.1%  respectively, in nominal terms
International trade statistics
Exports and imports increased by 18.1% and by 13.1% respectively, in nominal terms - April 2018
08 June 2018


In April 2018, exports of goods recorded a 18.1% year-on-year nominal rate of change, contrary to the variation registered in the preceding month (-5.4%). Imports of goods increased by 13.1%, corresponding to an acceleration vis-à-vis the +0.7% rate of change recorded in March 2018. These evolutions partly reflect a calendar effect, given that there were two more working days in April 2018 when compared with April 2017.
The deficit of trade balance amounted to EUR 1,253 million in April 2018, i.e. decreasing by EUR 39 million when compared with April 2017. Excluding Fuels and lubricants, the trade balance stood at EUR -972 million, corresponding to an increase of EUR 19 million in the trade deficit compared with April 2017.
In the quarter ended in April 2018, exports and imports of goods grew by 5.2% and 7.1% respectively, vis-à-vis the same period a year earlier.

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