Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Building permits and completed works increased around 10%
Construction and housing statistics
Building permits and completed works increased around 10% - 2017
16 July 2018


In 2017 the number of building permits in Portugal increased by 9.9% (+11.4% in 2016), corresponding to 18.6 thousand buildings. The total number of dwelling permits (21.3 thousand) increased by 17.5% (+37.3% in 2016). Building requalification works decreased by 0.6% (+7.5% in 2016), having also reduced its weight in total permits: from 27.4% in 2016 to 24.8% in 2017.
A total of 14.1 thousand buildings were completed in 2017, increasing by 9.7% vis-à-vis the previous year (+13.0% in 2016). .The number of dwellings completed (around 13.4 thousand) increased by 12.1% (+30.7% in 2016). Requalification works completed increased by 4.9% (+5.8% in 2016), having their total weight decreased 1.4 p.p. to 29.6% in 2017.


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