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37 municipalities scored house rental values per square meter above the national value
House rental statistics at local level
37 municipalities scored house rental values per square meter above the national value - 2017
21 March 2018


In 2017, the median house rental value of new lease agreements of dwellings in Portugal was 4.39 euros per square meter and the municipalities that stood above this value were mainly located in Área Metropolitana de Lisboa and Algarve. The municipality of Lisboa scored the highest median rent (9.62 €/m2) and with values above 6.5 €/m2, the municipalities of Cascais (8.06 €/m2), Oeiras (7.84 €/m2) and Porto (6.77 €/m2) also stood out.
The NUTS III sub-regions of Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Região Autónoma da Madeira, Algarve and Área Metropolitana do Porto scored median rents per square meter above the national value. Togheter the metropolitan areas of Lisboa and Porto accounted for around 51% of the total of new lease agreements in the country.

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