Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Number of tourism trips of residents increased namely for leisure
Tourism Demand of Residents
Number of tourism trips of residents increased namely for leisure - 1st Quarter 2018
25 July 2018


In the 1st quarter 2018, residents in Portugal took a total of 4.5 million trips, which stood for a 12.1% increase vis-à-vis the same quarter a year earlier (+7.4% in the previous quarter). This outcome was partly due to the different calendar period in which the celebration of Easter occurred.
Trips abroad corresponded to 10.5% of the total and grew above domestic trips (+14.9% comparing with +11.8%; +17.1% and +6.5% in the 4th Q 2017).
“Visit to relatives or friends” motivated 2.2 million trips and stood as the main reason to travel (49.7%, -2.0 p.p.). “Leisure, recreation or holidays” was the main motivation behind 1.54 million trips (34.3% of the total, +0.5 p.p.), with “professional or business” trips amounting to 494.1 thousand (11.0% of the total, +1.1 p.p.).
Overnight stays spent in “hotel and similar establishments” corresponded to 21.1% of the total overnight stays in the quarter (+2.0 p.p.), whereas 70.4% of the total overnight stays were spent in “free private accommodation”
(-4.1 p.p.).

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