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Tourism accommodation activity slowing down since the beginning of the year, in accumulated terms
Tourism activity
Tourism accommodation activity slowing down since the beginning of the year, in accumulated terms - April 2018
15 June 2018


Hotels and similar establishments hosted 1.8 million guests and 4.7 million overnight stays in April 2018, figures that relate to year-on-year change rates of -5.4% and -8.4% (+11.7% and +9.9% in March, respectively). Overnight stays of residents decreased by 9.3% while those of non residents declined by 8.0%, in contrast with the growth recorded in March (+15.4% and +8.0%, respectively).
The average stay (2.62 nights) decreased by 3.1% (-2.9% in the case of residents and -3.5% for non residents). The net bed occupancy rate (49.9%) declined by 4.7 p.p.
Total revenue decelerated to a growth of 2.0% (+17.5% in the preceding month), having reached EUR 276.7 million. Revenue from accommodation ascended to EUR 199.9 million, increasing by 2.1% (+21.2% in March).
These results were influenced by the calendar effect associated to the Easter, given that in 2018 this holiday period boosted overnight stays essentially in March.
It should be noted that, considering the months of March and April as a whole, overnight stays had a slight reduction of 0.8% (+0.8% for residents and -1.4% considering non residents).

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