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Deceleration in passengers in air transport. Movement of goods with increases in maritime and railway modes but reduction by road
Transport activities
Deceleration in passengers in air transport. Movement of goods with increases in maritime and railway modes but reduction by road - 2nd Quarter 2018
20 September 2018


In the 2nd quarter 2018, passengers at national airports amounted to 15.5 million, growing by 6.8%, slowing down from +11.9% in Q1. Passengers in rail transport increased both by heavy rail (+4.2%; +3.2% in Q1) and by metro/light rail (+5.4%, after +0.4% in Q1). In the case of inland waterways passengers transport, there was a slight increase (+1.0%; +1.6% in Q1).
In national maritime ports, the number of incoming vessels had a slight increase (+0.8%; -4.0% in Q1), more expressive in terms of gross tonnage (+5.1%, -4.2% in Q1), while goods handled went up by 2.3%, recovering from the reduction in the previous quarter (-9.8%).
With a total of 2.8 million tons, goods transported by rail increased by 8.2% (after -1.5% in Q1). On the contrary, road freight transport registered a reduction of 4.1% (-0.9% in Q1), totalling 39.6 million tons.


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