Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Movement of passengers in national airports upwards by 2.7% in 2008. 
Transport of goods decreased in all modes of transport
Transport activities
Movement of passengers in national airports upwards by 2.7% in 2008. Transport of goods decreased in all modes of transport - 4th Quarter 2008
03 March 2009

From January to December 2008, about 28 million passengers travelled through Portuguese airports, corresponding to a slower rise towards 2007, which had a reported increase of 8.6% in the movement of passengers. Worthy of note were the rises in the airports of Lisbon (+1.6%) and Oporto (+13.7%), while in the airport of Faro a slight decrease in the movement of passengers (-0.4%) was reported. In the past year, the transport of goods by sea decreased 2.4%, while in rail mode it decreased 3.7%. In road transport mode, up until September, it decreased 3.7%.
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