Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Growth in the main indicators of the tourism accommodation sector
Tourism activity
Growth in the main indicators of the tourism accommodation sector - January 2019
15 March 2019


The tourism accommodation sector registered 1.3 million guests and 3.0 million overnight stays in January 2019, corresponding to year-on-year changes rates  of +7.2% and +4.7%, respectively (+4.6% and +3.2% in December 2018, in the same order). Overnight stays of residents had a 8.2% growth (+0.9% in December) and those of non residents increased by 3.1% (+4.6% in December).
In January, the average stay (2.38 nights) declined by 2.3% (-0.6% as regards residents and -2.5% for non residents).
The net bed occupancy rate (28.4%) increased by 0.2 p.p. in January (-0.5 p.p. in December).
Revenue accelerated, with total revenue increasing by 8.7% (+7.7% in December) and reaching EUR 162.7 million. Revenue from accommodation (EUR 114.3 million) grew by 8.2% (+6.3% in December).

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