Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism activity accelerates with the Easter
Tourism activity
Tourism activity accelerates with the Easter - April 2019
17 June 2019


The tourism accommodation sector registered 2.3 million guests and 5.8 million overnight stays in April 2019, corresponding to rates of change of +9.1% and +9.5%, respectively (+4.2% and +0.7% in March, in the same order). Overnight stays from residents increased by 16.0% (+5.1% in March) and those from non residents went up by 7.1% (-0.9% in the previous month), with this latter situation reflecting mainly the growth rate of tourists from Spain.
In April 2019, the average stay (2.57 nights) grew by 0.4% (+5.1% considering residents and -1.1% for non residents).
The net bed occupancy rate (48.7%) increased by 1.9 p.p. in April (-1.4 p.p. in March).
Revenue accelerated, with the total increasing by 9.6% (+3.7% in March) and reaching EUR 331.5 million. Revenue from accommodation (EUR 245.0 million) rose by 10.3% (+1.9% in March).
These results were influenced by the effect of the holiday period associated with Easter, which this year occurred in mid-April, while in the previous year had an influence spread between March and April.

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