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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

General growth in passengers transport
Transport activities
General growth in passengers transport - 4th Quarter 2019
16 March 2020


In the 4th quarter 2019, the movement of passengers at national airports reached 13.4 million, representing a growth of 6.3%   (+6.6% in the 3rdQ). Transport of passengers in light railway systems grew 13.8% (+12.5% in the 3rdQ), recording 74.1 million passengers. Inland waterways passenger transport increased by 6.2%, after +2.4% in the 3rdQ, reaching 5.3 million passengers. 

Air and road transport registered increases in the freight movement of 16.2% and 0.6%, respectively (+17.4% and -3.0% in the 3rdQ, in the same order). Maritime and rail freight transport recorded reductions: -2.9% in national maritime ports (-12.9% in the 3rdQ) and -12.3% by rail (-15.9% in the preceding quarter).

Preliminary results for 2019 reveal a general growth in passenger transport: by air (+6.8%, the same as in the previous year), by heavy rail (+21.2%, +4.0% in 2018), by metro (+10.5%, +3.7% in 2018) and by river (+6.7%, +3.4% in the previous year).

With regard to freight transport in 2019, with the exception of air transport, which registered an increase (+12.1%, after +5.1% in 2018), all other modes of transport recorded decreases compared to the previous year: rail -12.0% (after stabilization in 2018), road -1.4% (+0.1% in 2018) and sea -5.8% (-3.2% in the previous year).

In 2019, the transportation by oil pipeline increased by 2.8% compared to the previous year. Regarding gas transportation by pipeline, there were increases in both inputs (+6.5%) and outputs (+7.1%).

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