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Environmental quality and Competitiveness: the lowest and the highest interregional disparity
Regional Development Composite Index
Environmental quality and Competitiveness: the lowest and the highest interregional disparity - 2017
06 June 2019


In 2017, according to the results of the regional development composite index, four out of the 25 NUTS 3 sub-regions stood above the national average in terms of the overall regional development – the metropolitan areas of Lisboa and Porto, Cávado and Região de Aveiro.
In the competitiveness index only four sub-regions stood above the national average: Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, standing out from Região de Aveiro, Área Metropolitana do Porto and Alentejo Litoral. The Competitiveness revealed the highest disparity among the three components of regional development.
In the cohesion index, eight NUTS 3, mostly from the mainland coast, stood above the national average. In this component, the Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Cávado and Região de Coimbra stood out with the highest cohesion indexes.
The environmental index results highlight the inner mainland sub-regions and the two autonomous regions with higher performances. The national average in this component was exceeded by 14 NUTS 3, showing a lower interregional disparity than the other components. Terras de Trás-os-Montes was the sub-region with the highest score in the environmental index.

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