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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism trips of the residents in acceleration, mainly to destinations abroad
Tourism Demand of Residents
Tourism trips of the residents in acceleration, mainly to destinations abroad - 2nd Quarter 2019
25 October 2019


In the 2nd quarter 2019, residents in Portugal took a total of 5.6 million trips, corresponding to an increase of 18.0% (+4.4 in the 1stQ 2019 and +6.3% in the 4thQ 2018). Results show that 85.2% of trips were within the national territory, revealing an increase of 15.7%. Tourism trips to foreign countries grew by 33.2%, totalling 828.2 thousand (14.8% share). This result may be influenced by the Easter calendar period, which this year took place in mid-April, while in the previous year shared influence between March and April.
“Leisure, recreation or holidays” was the main reason to travel in the 2nd quarter 2019 (2.7 million trips, +26.6%), increasing its representativeness in 3.3 p.p. (48.6% of the total, compared to 45.3% in the same quarter of 2018); led as the main reason for traveling in both domestic and foreign trips, with respectively 46.8% (+3.7 p.p.) and 58.9% (-1.0 p.p.) of trips.
“Hotels and similar” accounted for 31.5% of overnight stays, reinforcing their representativeness (+3.5 p.p.). “Free private accommodation” remained the main accommodation option (57.5% of overnight stays), despite the reduction in their weight (-0.9 p.p.).

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