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GVA of Business Services sector increased by 9.4%, 3.8 p.p. above the growth of non-financial companies
Business activities statistics
GVA of Business Services sector increased by 9.4%, 3.8 p.p. above the growth of non-financial companies - 2018
12 December 2019


In 2018, the value of Services Rendered to Enterprises grew by 8.4% (+9.0% in 2017), to EUR 16.6 billion. Gross Value Added (GVA) increased by 9.4%, as in the previous year, to EUR 9.7 billion. This amount corresponds to 9.9% of the total GVA of non-financial companies. Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) increased by 6.9% (+8.3% in 2017), to EUR 2.8 billion. These results correspond to 121 966 companies (+3.4% over 2017), employing 416 119 persons (+4.3% over the previous year). Accountability, auditing and consulting activities, remained as the most representative in Business Services sector (28.0% of total services rendered), having grown by 7.7%. However, Computing activities reached an identical weight (27.9%), as a result of a two digit growth (+12.5%) in the value of services rendered in 2018. Advertising were the activities with the highest ratio of services rendered per employee: EUR 118.2 of services rendered, almost three times the average of the eight activities comprising Business Services sector.
In the total of Business Services sector, the five largest companies accounted for 27.5% of the total services rendered. By activity, the concentration in the respective five largest companies ranged from a maximum of 93.2% in the Computer facilities management activities to a minimum of 8.4% in Architectural activities.

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