Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Residents boosted tourist activity
Tourism activity
Residents boosted tourist activity - January 2020
16 March 2020


The tourist accommodation sector registered 1.4 million guests and 3.3 million overnight stays in January 2020, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of +12.2% and +7.6% respectively (+9.4% and +7.5% in December 2019, in the same order). Overnight stays of residents grew by 12.1% (+4.5% in December) and those of non-residents increased by 5.6% (+9.3% in the preceding month).
In January 2020, the average stay (2.29 nights) decreased by 4.0% (-0.7% in the case of residents and -5.4% for non-residents). The net bed occupancy rate (29.1%) increased by 0.9 p.p. (+0.7 p.p. in December).
Total revenue increased by 7.2% (+9.1% in December) attaining EUR 175.9 million. Revenue from accommodation stood at EUR 124.8 million, growing by 8.5% (+9.4% in the preceding month).
The average revenue per available room (RevPAR) increased by 4.5% to EUR 25.1 (+4.7% in the preceding month). The average daily rate (ADR) reached EUR 68.6, increasing by 2.9% (+0.9% in the preceding month).
In January, the whole set of means of accommodation (tourist accommodation establishments, camping sites, holiday camps, and youth hostels) registered 1.5 million guests and 3.5 million overnight stays, corresponding to year-on-year growth rates of 12.2% and 7.7% respectively (+9.1% and +7.7% in December, in the same order). The number of overnight stays of residents grew by 12.0% (+5.7% in December) and those of non-residents increased by 5.7% (+9.0% in the preceding month).
This press release includes information on the weight in the tourist accommodation sector of the main countries affected by the COVID-19 Virus pandemic.

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