Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

House prices increased 9.6% on an annual basis and 8.9%
House Price Index
House prices increased 9.6% on an annual basis and 8.9% - 4th Quarter 2019
23 March 2020


In 2019, the House Price Index (HPI) increased 9.6% when compared with the previous year. This rate of change was 0.7 percentage points (pp) lower than in 2018. The prices of existing dwellings presented an annual increase above that observed for new dwellings, 10.1% and 7.6%, respectively.
In the last quarter of 2019, the HPI year-on-year rate of change was 8.9%, 1.4 pp less when compared to the previous quarter. In the last three months of the year, the growth in prices of existing dwellings stood at 9.8%, double the rate of change observed for new dwellings (4.9%).
A total of 181,478 dwellings were transacted in 2019, which represents an increase of 1.6% compared to 2018. In this period, the value of transactions totalled 25.6 billion euros, 6.3% more than in the previous year.
In the 4th quarter of 2019, there were 49,232 transactions, resulting in a year-on-year rate of change of 6.1% and an increase of 7.4% when compared to the previous quarter. In value, the transactions totalled 6.9 billion euros, 12.2% more than in the same period of 2018.

The information in this press release does not yet reflect the current situation determined by the pandemic Covid19. It is expected that the analyzed trends will change substantially. Nonetheless, the information available today is useful to establish a reference to assess future developments. Despite the circumstances, Statistics Portugal will try to maintain the production and dissemination schedule, although some disturbance may occur on the collection of primary data due to the impact of the pandemic.

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