Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Negative natural balance accentuates - In 2020 the number of deaths increased 10.2 % and the number of live births decreased 2.6 %
Vital Statistics
Preliminary Results
Negative natural balance accentuates - In 2020 the number of deaths increased 10.2 % and the number of live births decreased 2.6 % - 2020
16 March 2021


In 2020 there were registered 84,558 live births and 123,467 deaths in the national territory (preliminary data). The number of live births of mothers residing in Portugal was 84,296, 2.6% less than in 2019. The number of deaths of residents in Portugal was 123,152, 10.2% more than in 2019. In the context of COVID-19, the increase in the number of deaths, as well as the decrease in the number of live births, resulted in a strong reduction of the natural balance (-38,856).  The natural balance has been negative for 12 years.

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