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Business investment will have decreased by 16.3% in 2020 and perspectives for 2021 point to an increase of 3.5%
Investment survey
Business investment will have decreased by 16.3% in 2020 and perspectives for 2021 point to an increase of 3.5% - 2nd Semi-annual 2020
25 January 2021


According to the results from the October 2020 Investment Survey (with a surveying period between the 1st October 2020 and the 14th January 2021), business investment in nominal terms decreased by 16.3% in 2020, resulting in a significant downward reduction comparing with the perspectives revealed in the previous survey (rate of change of -8.9%). The downward revision reached greater expression among major firms (from the fourth group – more than 500 workers and the third group – between 250 and 499 workers), that might have cancelled or postponed investment decisions.
For 2021, the results of this survey point to a partial recovery of business investment, expecting an increase of 3.5%. This increase focuses on firms from the fourth group, that forecast a GFCF growth rate of 10.5% (contribution of 4.6 percentage points (p.p.)) and those from the third group, with an increase of 19.0% in 2021 (contribution of 3.0%). The prospects of firms from the remaining groups (small and medium-sized firms) point to a further significant decrease of investment in 2021, although less intense than that registered in 2020. 

Despite the circumstances determined by the pandemic COVID-19, Statistics Portugal calls for the best collaboration by companies, families and public entities in responding to Statistics Portugal’s data requests. The quality of official statistics, particularly its ability to identify the impacts of the pandemic COVID-19, crucially depends on this collaboration, which Statistics Portugal thanks in advance.

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