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Tourist activity kept a strong reduction in June, but less intense than in May due to residents
Tourism activity
Tourist activity kept a strong reduction in June, but less intense than in May due to residents - June 2020
14 August 2020


The tourist accommodation sector registered 493.5 thousand guests and 1.1 million overnight stays in June 2020, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of -82.0% and -85.2% respectively (-94.8% and -95.8% in May, in the same order). Overnight stays of residents declined by 59.7% (-86.6% in May) and those of non-residents decreased by 96.2% (-98.8% in the previous month).
Total revenue recorded a rate of change of -88.5% (-97.5% in May) standing at EUR 53.4 million. Revenue from accommodation amounted to EUR 42.0 million, declining by 88.2% (-97.1% in the previous month).
In June, 46.3% of tourist accommodation establishments would have been closed or did not received guests (74.1% in May).
In the 2nd quarter of 2020, total overnight stays decline by 92.4% (-78.1% in residents and -97.9% in non-residents). In the 1st quarter of 2020, overnight stays had decreased by 18.3% (-12.2% in residents and -21.0% in non-residents).

This press release includes, besides the usual information, the results of a specific questionnaire on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 62.5% of the responding tourist accommodation establishments (representing 79.0% of the capacity on offer) pointed out the cancellation of bookings scheduled for June to October 2020, due to the pandemic. Most of the establishments planning to be in operation from June to October expected to record occupancy rates of less than 50% in each of those months.
Most of the establishments (56.8%) do not expect to change prices vis-à-vis the previous year. About one-third of the establishments (35.3%) admit to reduce prices, being mostly located in AM Lisboa and Algarve (58.4% and 55.8% of the establishments located in each region, respectively).

The information in this press release regarding June already reflects the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in both the performance of the tourist activity and the quantity of the available primary information in the compilation of the results presented. Despite the difficulties, we ask for the best collaboration by firms, households, and public entities in answering the requests to obtain information. The quality of official statistics, particularly its ability to portrait the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, depends crucially on this collaboration that Statistics Portugal is grateful for in advance.

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