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Differentiated recovery in the various modes of passenger and freight transport
Transport activities
Differentiated recovery in the various modes of passenger and freight transport - 3rd Quarter 2020
02 December 2020


In the 3rd quarter 2020, national airports handled 5.4 million passengers, showing some recovery (-71.5%; -97.4% in the 2nd Q 2020).
In another range of variations, passenger transport by rail and by light railway systems also decreased less sharply (-40.3% and -51.3%, after -70.5% and -76.3% in the 2nd Q, respectively). A total of 27.6 million passengers were transported by rail and 31.6 million by light railway systems.
Inland waterways passenger transport decreased by 36.8% (-72.4% in the 2nd Q 2020), reaching 4.5 million passengers.
Freight transport by air and by land registered a less pronounced decrease: -39.0% in air transport (-57.4% in the 2nd Q 2020), -5.3% in rail transport (-14.2%) and -3.5% in road transport (-26.5%). Conversely, in maritime transport there was a residual increase of 0.2% (-22.6% in 2nd Q 2020).

Despite the circumstances determined by the COVID-19 pandemic, Statistics Portugal calls for the best collaboration by companies, families and public entities in responding to Statistics Portugal’s data requests. The quality of official statistics, particularly its ability to identify the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, crucially depends on this collaboration, which Statistics Portugal thanks in advance.

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