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Encouraging workers' autonomy stood out as the main human resource management practice
Business Statistics Studies
Management Practices
Encouraging workers' autonomy stood out as the main human resource management practice - 2022
27 July 2023


In 2022, 62.6% of the companies responding to the management practices survey were integrated in economic groups and 51.3% were aged 20 or over. Women accounted for almost 38% of persons employed with management functions and 29.0% of persons employed in top management positions. More than half of the companies were owned by the founders or family members of the founders.

In 62.6% of the companies, the top manager had a bachelor’s degree or higher, proportion that reached 81.9% in large companies and 38.9% in micro companies. In more than 73% of the companies, the top manager held the position exclusively. For more than 60% of the companies, the best description of the top manager was Decision-making and Assumption of responsibilities. In 54.7% of the companies, the top manager assumed a democratic and team-centred leadership style.

Encouraging workers’ autonomy was the main human resource management practice, mentioned by 45.5% of the companies. About 97% of the companies reported having defined objectives and 48.2% referred having awarded performance bonuses to persons employed for achieving them. 

In less than 40% of the companies there was no promotion of persons employed.

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