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Industrial production continued to decelerate in 2019
Industrial production statistics
Industrial production continued to decelerate in 2019
07 December 2020


In 2019, total sales of products and services in the industry reached EUR 94.1 billion, representing a nominal increase of 2.7% over the previous year (+7.1% in 2018).
The activities that recorded the most significant positive contributions to growth registered in the total industry were Manufacture of motor vehicles and Food industries, with +1.5 p.p. and +0.4 p.p., respectively.
Divisions 10, Food industries and 29, Manufacture of motor vehicles with trailers, semi-trailers and components for motor vehicles, presented the 1st and 2nd highest weights in total sales and services, totalling EUR 11.9 billion and EUR 11.7 billion, respectively. Both divisions recorded positive changes, of 3.2% and 13.0%, respectively (+3.9% and +33.3% in the same order, in 2018).

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