Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Museums: Foreigns  were more than half of the total  visitors
Culture Statistics
Museums: Foreigns were more than half of the total visitors - 2019
15 December 2020


• In 2019, the museums registered 19.8 million visitors, 1.5% more (283.6 thousand) than in the previous year. Foreign visitors were the majority of total visitors (52.3%).
• The live performances recorded 16.9 million spectators (0.3% more than 2018), and €125.3 million in ticket office receipts (15.0% more than the previous year).
• Cinema’s spectators were 15.5 million and box office receipts reached €83.2 million; both grew compared to the previous year (5.2% and 5.7% increase, respectively).
• Newspapers, magazines, and other periodical publications lost 13.1% in total circulation (less 11.5% in total copies sold and less 17.6% in offered copies).
• Cultural employment has been estimated in 132.2 thousand people represented 2.7% in the economy.
• 2019’s provisional data point to an increase of GVA, turnover and number of enterprises in cultural and creative activities by 6.6%, 6.1% and 3.9% respectively (in the total business sector these indicators increased 5.8%, 4.0%, and 2.8%).
• The cultural goods trade balance registered a deficit: the imports were higher than exports by €228.9 million, decreasing €20.6 million compared to the previous year.
• The Local government expenditure in cultural and creative activities was €519.0 million, an increase of 10.5% (more €49.2 million) when compared to 2018.

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